ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice

Husova třída 1651/125a, 370 11 České Budějovice +420 734 596 765

(meeting with prospective clients)
+420 773 377 054
Other contacts (click)
ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice


ALZHEIMER HOME is a unique project of linking cutting-edge health and social services in the care of patients with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. Homes across the country are for clients who need the help of another person 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The mission of ALZHEIMER HOME is to provide comprehensive and individualized residential social services. The professional staff supports the clients' self-sufficiency and active lifestyle, respects their individual habits and preserves their rights and human dignity.


ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice

ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice is situated in a quiet part of the town, near the Vrbenské Ponds. A large garden with a spacious gazebo offers plenty of space for outdoor activities, walks and sitting. The centre includes a children's group Kulíšek. The presence of children has a positive effect on the psyche of our clients. The children's immediacy puts interest and a smile on their faces, as does the daily presence of the animals involved in pet therapy.

A popular place, especially with women, is the hairdresser, located right in the centre. There is also a general practitioner's office on the premises.

We are a member of the Association of Social Service Providers of the Czech Republic.


Our clients are provided with quality health services covering basic specialties that help to optimally diagnose and treat all common health problems and prevent them. There is a well-equipped medical department. Wherever possible and practical, clients are thus provided with examinations and outpatient treatment directly at the facility. Our collaborators are top specialists in general practice, psychiatry or other fields. We have a sophisticated system of medical visits and regular preventive checks of the mental and physical condition of our clients. Thanks to this, we are able to catch any change in health status and immediately adjust the medical, nursing and dietary regimen.

ALZHEIMER HOME je součástí skupiny Penta Hospitals. Penta Hospitals provozuje v České republice síť nemocnic i odborných ambulancí a je naším přirozeným záměrem, abychom našim klientům i rodinám do budoucna nabízeli lepší a komplexnější zdravotní služby, které se tímto unikátním spojením nabízí. Ambulance Penta s.r.o. je ve všech našich zařízeních poskytovatelem zdravotní péče v oboru všeobecné praktické lékařství a dále ve vybraných oborech specializované ambulantní péče.

Complete equipment of all rooms

Our clients are accommodated in a pleasant home-like environment in double, exceptionally triple rooms with private bathroom. All rooms are fully equipped, but we offer the possibility of their own retrofitting. The whole area is fully wheelchair accessible.


ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice

Capacity of the home



Activation activities

Being active is important at any age. We engage our clients daily in a range of activities that are tailored to each individual. Knowing their habits, interests and personal needs helps us to tailor a mix of activities to make their day enjoyable and enjoyable. Trained staff use a variety of methods and ways of approaching and communicating with clients using basal stimulation and elements of validation. The cornerstones of the activation activities are reminiscence therapy, memory training, music therapy. Specially equipped rooms for rehabilitation, fine and gross motor exercises, aromatherapy and therapeutic cooking and baking are used for activation.

We do not close ourselves off from the world - quite the opposite: We go on trips, to exhibitions and theatres. Children from kindergartens and primary art schools, music and theatre associations regularly give performances for us.

ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice


  • Vážená paní ředitelko, vrchní sestro ALZHEIMER HOME, od loňského roku je ve vašem zařízení umístěná moje maminka. Tímto bych chtěla poděkovat a ocenit práci veškerého personálu 2.stanice. Zdravotničtí pracovníci vykonávají těžkou a velmi  psychicky náročnou práci. Přesto všichni pracují s velikou trpělivostí, s plným nasazením a úsměvem na rtech. Ke klientům se chovají slušně a ochotně komunikují s rodinnými příslušníky. Každý týden maminku navštěvuji  nepravidelně v různých časech. Vždy byla v pořádku. Byla čistá a v rámci jejích možností zaměstnaná. Proto vás prosím o předání poděkování všem zaměstnancům 2.stanice. Vážím si jejich práce a tímto všem moc děkuji za péči o maminku. S přáním hezkého dne J.V. (únor 2024)
  • Dear Director, Once again, thank you so much for your care and for making your facility work so well. My mother spent 5 years with you and my brother and I were always very pleased with your attitude and care. Even though Mom has communicated very little especially in the last 2 years, she always seemed happy and was always well groomed. It was especially nice when we could always take her out to the ponds in the summer months in a borrowed wheelchair. I bow deeply to your work and wish you many more happy and grateful clients and especially much strength and empathy.
    Ing. Pavel Fučík
  • Dear Mrs. Vlasáková, please allow me to thank all the staff of the 4th floor of ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice for their great care, concern and immense dedication in treating my mother-in-law. Even though she has not communicated much (actually not at all) during the whole hospitalization and especially in the last years, she looks very happy during every visit and is always well-groomed. I appreciate immensely the work and empathy all the staff give to your clients. I would hate to leave anyone out of those who care for my mother-in-law, so at least a big thank you to Petra Kocmanová, Lenka Krskošková and Martin Vandas for all of them. I bow deeply to the work of all your staff and wish you many happy clients. P.S. While writing this thank you, I was informed that my mother-in-law has left us forever. Please thank the entire staff again for all their care, concern and very sensitive communication of this sad event. České Budějovice 26.2.2023
    Jiri D.
  • Hello Mrs. Oktábcová, thank you very much for sending us a photo of you and your father, we will remember him. Daddy had a quick and peaceful death, he was well taken care of in every way by you and that is a great comfort for us. Thank you again (October 2023)
  • Dobrý den, rády bychom touto cestou poděkovaly za skvělý a lidský přístup vašich zaměstnanců k péči o naše rodiče Karla a Martu. Oba byli umístěni na stanici 3. Personál této stanice se k nim v posledních dnech jejich života choval velice mile a profesionálně. Stejně tak i k nám při našich návštěvách. Péče o rodiče byla bezvadná. Děkujeme moc za vše a do další práce přejeme hodně sil. (říjen 2023)
    MV a HJ
  • Dobrý den, zúčastnila jsem se s vnučkou vydařeného pátečního odpoledne, velice dobré bylo pečivo, punč a krásné dárky pro klienty. Všichni si zaslouží poděkování za starostlivost a péči při přípravě setkání. Všem Vám přeji klidné a spokojené Vánoce, pevné zdraví v novém roce. Se srdečným pozdravem (prosinec 2023)
ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice


ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice

How to become a client

ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice

Husova Třída 1651/125A, 370 11 České Budějovice

+420 734 596 765


ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice


Daniela Hamberger
Director of the facility
+420 773 377 054
Alena Šimánková, DiS
Social worker
+420 773 377 095
Mgr. Denisa Oktábcová
Social worker
+420 773 377 035
Lucie Vlasáková, DiS.
+420 773 377 031
Ing. Jitka Čápová
Head of care
+420 730 812 950
Bc. Jindra Slavíková
Meetings with people interested in the service - South and West Bohemia region
+420 734 596 765
ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice

Contacts - nurses' station

Continuous line
shift nurse of the 3rd station
+420 773 377 053
Continuous line
shift nurse 2nd station
+420 773 377 043
Continuous line
shift nurse 1st station
+420 773 377 033
ALZHEIMER HOME České Budějovice

Where to find us