

Žampiónová 331, 104 00 Prague 22 +420 604 366 496

(negotiations with the interested party)
+420 731 647 447
Other contacts (click)


ALZHEIMER HOME is a unique project of linking cutting-edge health and social services in the care of patients with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. Homes across the country are for clients who need the help of another person 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The mission of ALZHEIMER HOME is to provide comprehensive and individualized residential social services. The professional staff supports the clients' self-sufficiency and active lifestyle, respects their individual habits and preserves their rights and human dignity.



ALZHEIMER HOME Pitkovice is set in the original development of Pitkovice in the southeastern part of the capital city of Prague, in a place whose roots date back to the 13th century. The architecturally sensitively reconstructed farmhouse with stone and wooden elements and an enclosed courtyard evokes a feeling of security and positive atmosphere. The chamber area offers all the necessary facilities for top-quality care, a spacious dining room, a library and other common rooms.



Our clients are provided with quality health services covering basic specialties that help to optimally diagnose and treat all common health problems and prevent them. There is a well-equipped medical department. Wherever possible and practical, clients are thus provided with examinations and outpatient treatment directly at the facility. Our collaborators are top specialists in general practice, psychiatry or other fields. We have a sophisticated system of medical visits and regular preventive checks of the mental and physical condition of our clients. Thanks to this, we are able to catch any change in health status and immediately adjust the medical, nursing and dietary regimen.

ALZHEIMER HOME je součástí skupiny Penta Hospitals. Penta Hospitals provozuje v České republice síť nemocnic i odborných ambulancí a je naším přirozeným záměrem, abychom našim klientům i rodinám do budoucna nabízeli lepší a komplexnější zdravotní služby, které se tímto unikátním spojením nabízí. Ambulance Penta s.r.o. je ve všech našich zařízeních poskytovatelem zdravotní péče v oboru všeobecné praktické lékařství a dále ve vybraných oborech specializované ambulantní péče.

Complete equipment of all rooms

Our clients are accommodated in a pleasant home-like environment in single, double, triple and one quadruple room with private bathroom. All rooms are fully furnished, yet we offer the possibility of their own retrofitting. The whole area is fully wheelchair accessible.



Capacity of the home



Activation activities

Being active is important at any age. We engage our clients daily in a range of activities that are tailored to each individual. Knowing our clients' habits, interests and personal needs helps us to tailor a mix of activities to make their day enjoyable and enjoyable.

The cornerstones of the activation activities are reminiscence therapy, memory training and music therapy.



  • Dear Director, first of all, I would like to wish you and the whole ALZHEIMER HOME Pitkovice facility all the best for this year, good health and many personal and professional successes. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you, Madam Director, for allowing me to be present in your facility during the passing of my partner and your former client. At his passing, it was the most difficult time of my life so far. I can say that I was met with exemplary professionalism, precision, and also a great deal of consideration and helpfulness, not only to my partner, but also to me. To you, and to the whole team of ALZHEIMER HOME in Pitkovice, my great thanks are due. Madam Director, I am fully aware of the enormous demands of working in your facility, and I greatly appreciate this absolutely professional and human approach. Sincerely, Vladimíra Nečasová  
    Vladimíra Nečasová
  • Hello, Director, once again I wanted to thank you and the entire staff for taking care of my mother. She has spent the last three years of her life with you, I think, happily, peacefully and at ease. I was happy that she was always looking forward to coming back from home or a trip, saying " let's go now so they don't chase me :-)" I knew she was well taken care of. May you be well, at work and at home, everything is connected, we only live one life and it is in these difficult moments that one realizes it the most. Thank you. PhDr. Michaela Losová
    PhDr. Michaela Losová

    Michaela Losová

  • Hello Director, my wife Jana is staying (unfortunately she is lying down) in the AH Pitkovice facility for the sixth month nowadays and I visit her often so I can already judge how she is being cared for in the past 1/2 year. Both from the nurses - well, and especially from the two nursing assistants - social workers who take care of the entrusted clients on the first floor every day. Mrs. Hana and Tanya, especially the older and more experienced Mrs. Hana has a very nice attitude towards the entrusted clients. She is always in a positive mood herself, which is transferred to the people she cares for. I always saw my wife clean, well-groomed, combed, shampooed, with her hair washed, wearing a clean t-shirt, new sheets and pillows, with her feet propped up so that she would not be in pain. Sincerely, Karel Kapr
    Karel Kapr
  • My father was in Pitkovice for about 2 months after a previous hospitalization in the LDN (horrible). His health and psychological condition improved rapidly thanks to the perfect work of all the staff. The main praise goes to the director and the social worker, they are women in their place -:) They arranged everything in a short time (medicines, incontinence aids, wheelchair, medical examination, vaccinations, PCR test, ambulance transfer...etc). All the time was clean, food was varied, various leisure activities, rehabilitation...etc. thank you very much -:)))
  • Dear Director, I am returning to what I had the opportunity to tell you in person. Thank you very much to you, to your colleagues in the management and especially to the staff who take such exemplary care of the clients in your centre! I have had a great opportunity and a lot of time to observe what is happening in ALZHEIMER HOME Pitkovice. I was with my husband, who was your client for almost 3 months, almost every day. I saw how kindly you all treat your often difficult clients, how much work and even hard work caring for them requires and how much patience you all have for them. At times I was almost touched when I registered the beautiful attitude of the female workers and their male colleagues towards the people around them!! I also appreciate it very much because our son did this work while studying in Sydney and told us what it all entails. Also, thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be with my husband during his last three days of life. For looking after me, making sure I was seated comfortably, bringing me coffee, tea and food. Also, during this difficult time, I could see the kind care of the nurses!! I wish all of you on the team the joy of doing a job that is more of a mission than an occupation! Please convey to everyone my gratitude and joy that my husband was able to spend the end of his earthly life in the company and care of all of you!!
    Judita Nováková
  • Hello, I would like to thank you for the service and care provided in the ALZHEIMER HOME Pitkovice facility, which I received from you and I appreciate very much not only your work for the clients, but also your staff. My condition has greatly improved in the time I have been admitted to you and for that I owe you a big thank you. Sincerely, Marie Fryčová
    Marie Fryčová
  • Dear Director, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you personally and the entire staff on behalf of our husband and father for the help and care he and indeed the entire family received. Although he has only spent a relatively short time in your centre, we appreciate above all the sensitive human approach, the comprehensive professional care in all respects and, last but not least, the nice and pleasant environment. Thank you and we wish you much strength and vigour in your future work. Krčkovi (October 2023)
    The Necks
  • Dobrý den, ráda bych touto cestou poděkovala personálu ALZHEIMER HOME Pitkovice v čele s paní ředitelkou Marcelou Slowikovou a vrchní sestrou Lenkou Zoulovou za to, že nám pomohli postarat se o naší maminku až do úplného konce. Bohužel maminka už není mezi námi, ale díky místním pečovatelkám, zdravotním sestřičkám či aktivizačním pracovníkům jsem přesvědčená, že dožila důstojně a bez velkých bolestí. To s touhle nemilosrdnou nemocí není samozřejmost. Nikdo, kdo tuhle nemoc nezažil takhle zblízka, nepochopí, jak je krutá a beznadějná. Nechápu, jak to zaměstnanci zvládají, ale jsem moc ráda, že jsme tuhle možnost měli, když už jsme nezvládali péči o maminku sami doma. Děkuji jim za to z celého srdce. (leden 2024)
    Radka Kovářová





Virtual tour




How to become a client


331 Žampiónová Street, 104 00 Prague 10 - Pitkovice

+420 604 366 496



Bc. Marcela Slowiková
Director of the facility and social worker
+420 731 647 447
Ing. Bc. Alena Adeltová
Head of Social Care
+420 722 057 602
Bc. Hana Soukupová, Dis.
Social worker
+420 720 954 212
Edita Korytarová
Jednání se zájemci o umístění - Praha a Střední Čechy
+420 604 366 496

Contacts - nurses' station

Continuous line
Nurse on duty
+420 722 057 599

Where to find us