Evaluation of satisfaction surveys of other stakeholders

During the month of January, a questionnaire survey was carried out regarding the satisfaction of family members with the services provided. Satisfaction surveys for other stakeholders were sent to family members' contact emails and were also available at the entrance of the facility.

In terms of the things that family members like about the service provided, the attitude of staff towards clients and family members, the quality of the service provided and the pleasant indoor and outdoor environment of the facility were positively rated.

Family members negatively assessed the occasional smell that can be smelled in the corridors during the day. They would also like clients to spend more time outdoors and for some clients to include more physical activities. They would also like to have an overview of ongoing activation programmes in advance. Individually, longer time delays in seeing a specialist doctor and loss of client clothing were mentioned.

The Operations Department strives to make the facility's premises welcoming in every way. Therefore, they will focus more on keeping odours in the facility to a minimum. In the case of clothing, families are informed that new clothing needs to be given to staff to be labeled so that it is not lost. Client families are informed of ongoing activities through bulletin boards. They will now also have access to the activity schedule online, through the website and the "Family Zone" area.

Regarding information about news in the facility and upcoming events, family members said they are informed via e-mail, Facebook, or by phone. In most cases, they rate this method as sufficient.

Regarding other comments, it was only added that the shift nurse is not always present in the nurses' station and needs to be called upon.

Since the nurse is attending to clients, she is not always present in the nurses' station. However, she can be reached at the phone number listed.